ThermoBlock Polyurethane Foam ICF - Insulated Concrete Form

Would you like to be in control of your building materials supply chain?

Learn more about the lucrative opportunity of becoming a regional licensed manufacturing partner with ThermoBlock ICF.

ThermoBlock is the ONLY ICF that can be manufactured on-site or in-plant, giving you complete control of your supply chain efficiency. This Ebook will walk you through the process of becoming a manufacturing partner and the advantages in doing so.

If you’re not yet familiar, Thermoblock®, an innovative steel-reinforced insulated concrete form (ICF), is one of the most energy-efficient building systems available today.

The ThermoBlock system utilizes cast-in-place post and beam concrete construction, giving the customer a 300% stronger building compared to conventional construction.

Resembling large-scale Lego® blocks, the system uses a combination of interlocking, lightweight, stackable polyurethane blocks which can be fabricated on-site, along with concrete, steel reinforcing rebar, and a patented internal stud.

Because the system utilizes high density closed cell polyurethane foam, it offers exceptional insulation value (R 38); is resistant to insects; does not allow moisture transmission, eliminating mold and mildew; and is very quiet with excellent sound transmission characteristics.

ThermoBlock provides a more comfortable and secure living environment.

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